A Strategic Management Partner For Investors
Family Offices | Angels | Venture Capital | Private Equity
We Augment Investors and Portfolio Executives Ability To Mitigate Risk Associated With Managing The Cycle of Uncomfortable Leadership Moments
There are many risks with deal sourcing, valuation, deal structuring, financing, monitoring value creation, exit strategy and execution, and distribution of returns. But you are equipped to manage these risks.
We augment investors’ capabilities through an independent, third-party framework that assesses and offers mitigation strategies for:
- Due Diligence Risk associated with integration and quality of management risk associated with executive and manager practices, knowledge, skills and experience.
- Post Acquisition Risk associated with value creation initiatives including product/service rationalization and creation, operational improvements, market expansion,

Due Diligence on Strategic Management Capability
Knowing the company, industry, offerings and how to do a road show are essential. But how confident are you that executives know how to manage the business to your exit strategy?
Our assessments look beyond the financials and charisma to understand executives frame of reference on the business and strategic management knowledge and skills. You will receive mitigation strategies to address:
- Integration Risk associated with compatibility issues, frame of reference, cultural differences, and product, market, customers, and operational synergies.
- Quality of Management Risk associated with executives and managers knowledge, skills and practices for formulating, executing, and evaluating strategy; particularly in cases where management is resistant to scrutiny.

Our Due Diligence Services
Executive Frame of Reference Assessment of each executives perspective on performance and urgency to address internal and external opportunities and threats.
Strategic Management Practices Audit of documents, instructions and policies for strategy formulation, execution and evaluation.
Knowledge and Skill Assessment to gauge the depth of strategic management expertise to formulate, execute and evaluate strategy.
Post-Acquisition/Investment Planning and Execution
The executive team led the company to your investment. But do they possess the strategic planning and change management knowledge and skills drive the business to the next level within your timeframe?
Our services expedite your capability for:
- Integration Planning to mitigate differences in plans, forecasts, structure, culture, procedures, technology, knowledge transfer, data fields and collection, analysis and recommendations, reporting and process improvement.
- Talent Retention and Upgrade to mitigate differences in strategic management knowledge, skills and style, as well as management practices, policies and systems.
- Culture Alignment to mitigate differences in mission, values, goals/vision, strategic initiatives and metrics.

Solution #1
Gain Agreement On Uncomfortable Leadership Moments
Get started by facilitating executives and managers through identifying, categorizing, prioritizing and sequencing uncomfortable leadership moments so they can seize control of them today.

Solution #2
Upgrade or Merge Strategic Management Practices
Equip executives and managers to formulate, execute, and evaluate strategy so they can calmly manage the cycle of uncomfortable leadership moments at all levels within your company.
Solution #3
Coach & Develop Strategic Management Knowledge and Skills
Screen job candidates, coach underperforming, and develop high potential executives and managers so they can seize control of uncomfortable leadership moments.