A Strategic Management Partner For  Human Resources

Best Practice Methods, Tools, Training and Coaching

Ten Ways That We Support Human Resources

There are many challenges that block leadership teams and individuals with the technical aspects of executing revenue growth strategies. Our best practices, tools, training, and coaching address strategic, operational, and tactical challenges including:

  • Strategic Management practices, knowledge and skills for formulating, executing and evaluating strategy.
  • Sales Management practices, knowledge and skills for hiring, onboarding, evaluating, compensating, training, and coaching salespeople.
  • Product and Sales Knowledge Transfer practices, knowledge and skills for onboarding and training salespeople; and facilitating buyers through the exchange of information during sales conversations.
  • Networking and Relationship Management practices, knowledge and skills for adding the right people to your personal network, engaging them, and extracting leads and referrals.

Strategic Management Solutions

Knowing the company, industry, offerings and how to do a road show are essential. But how confident are you that executives know how to manage the business to your exit strategy.

Knowledge and Skills

  • Assess executives and managers
  • Screen job candidates for executive and manager level positions.
  • Coach underperforming executives and managers
  • Develop future executives and managers

Practices and Procedures

  • Documents
  • Step-by-Step Instructions

Sales Management Solutions

Knowing the company, industry, offerings and how to do a road show are essential. But how confident are you that executives know how to manage the business to your exit strategy?

Our assessments look beyond the financials and charisma to understand executives frame of reference on the business and strategic management knowledge and skills. You will receive mitigation strategies to address:

Managing Skills Framework

Knowledge and Skills

  • Assess sales managers
  • Screen job candidates for sales management positions.
  • Coach underperforming sales managers
  • Develop future sales managers

Practices and Procedures

  • Documents
  • Step-by-Step Instructions

Product and Sales Knowledge Transfer

Knowing the company, industry, offerings and how to do a road show are essential. But how confident are you that executives know how to manage the business to your exit strategy?

Our assessments look beyond the financials and charisma to understand executives frame of reference on the business and strategic management knowledge and skills. You will receive mitigation strategies to address:

  • Procedures for formulating, executing, and evaluating strategy.
  • Knowledge and Skills – how effective, efficient, and predictable are your executives and managers formulating, executing, and evaluating strategy? 

Sales Training

Knowing the company, industry, offerings and how to do a road show are essential. But how confident are you that executives know how to manage the business to your exit strategy?

Our assessments look beyond the financials and charisma to understand executives frame of reference on the business and strategic management knowledge and skills. You will receive mitigation strategies to address:

Hiring Salespeople Without Industry Experience Knowledge

Executive Frame of Reference Assessment of each executives perspective on performance and urgency to address internal and external opportunities and threats.

Strategic Management Practices Audit of documents, instructions and policies for strategy formulation, execution and evaluation.

Knowledge and Skill Assessment to gauge the depth of strategic management expertise to formulate, execute and evaluate strategy.

Check Out Our Portfolio Of Methods, Assessments, Tools, Training and Coaching

Chief Sales Leader Framework™

A strategic management  platform that enables anyone to become a top performing executive or entrepreneur in months not years.

How effective, efficient and predictable are your Strategic Management practices for formulating, executing and evaluating strategy?

Chief Sales Leader Framework™

A sales management training and coaching platform that enables anyone to become a top performing sales manager in months not years.

How effective, efficient and predictable are your Sales Management practices for hiring, onboarding, evaluating, compensating, training, and coaching salespeople?


A product and sales knowledge transfer platform that enables anyone to become a top performing salesperson in weeks not years.

How effective, efficient and predictable are your Product and Sales Knowledge Transfer practices for onboarding new salespeople, communicating updates to salespeople, and coaching underperforming salespeople?


A networking and relationship management platform that enables anyone to become a top networker and relationship builder in weeks not years.

How effective, efficient and predictable are your Networking and Relationship Management practices for adding the right people to your personal network, engaging them, and extracting leads and referrals.